Stuff about Me
I do art and that's why you're here. Duh.
But anyways, I went to Dartmouth College and majored in Studio Art. Decided I really liked art and making comics, so I'm trying to do both those things now in San Francisco. Please shoot me message if you like my work, wanna buy it, or maybe just want to say hi.
2013 Bachelor of Arts: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH.
Studio Art Major: Emphasis on Painting
2013 To Connect the Centers of Their Eyes, Yuma Art Center
Yuma, AZ
Seniors Majors Exhibtion, Jaffe-Friede & Strauss Galleries
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
2012 This is Not a Show, Visual Arts Center Student Gallery
Dartmouth, College, Hanover, NH
2014 Mexican Radio, My Radio Zine Anthology by Dyemond O'Byran
That House, Drunken Boat 20
2015 The Hive Abroad, a non-linear short story by Laura Michet.
Slaughtertrain, a comedy game "loosely" based on the movie Snowpiercer, game created by Laura Michet, Rosstin Murphy, and Kent Sutherland.
Dirty Diamonds, An All-Girls Anthology: #6 Beauty, Edited by Kelly Phillips and Claire Folkman